
Indonesia only have 2 season, Summer season which is hot, and Rainy season, which is wet and still hot, so yea basically Indonesia is hot through out the whole year. That's why we love you, because you are so hot, so hot ;D
I've live in a tropical country, Indonesia, my whole life, never have I ever felt snow, but my favorite season is in fact Winter, it's always have been Winter.
I've heard many negatif effect what winter can cause, it's all basically implying that winter is not as beautiful as you imagine. I believe that, I really do, but I still love winter.
The reason why I love winter is just so simple, it might actually sound a bit absurd, in winter time people are trying all they can to cover their body, from head to toe, and it's the same as what we Muslim do, well in this case we cover our aurah. To me it's just seem so beautiful, how all people wheter Muslim or non Muslim are trying to cover up their body as much as possible, from head to toe. Everyone just wraping them selve up, not leaving a single body part to be showed. How great is that?
This was just some random thing that offtenly cross my mind, so often that I can't keep it to my self anymore. There might be others who feel the same as I do, or others who tough this is silly.
Anyway thanks for stoping by, and have a great night, to you :)


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