Spicy Korean Cup Noodle

Here I'll try to review about a cup noodle which in 2014, listed as the 3th spiciest instant noodle by this website. In this review, there won't be any hyperbolic review, just plain honest.

This one particular product is like the "G-Dragon" in its own world ( I'm pretty sure that you are a k-pop fan if you google this cup noodle, so you must know who G-Dragon is, right? ), it's like everyone know about this product, everyone is interested about this product and everyone want to try this product even just a mouthful of it.
So, without further ado, here it is, my plain honest review.

The name of this product is "something_something_written_in_Hangul" which basically mean Hot Chicken Fried Noodle. the name of the product basically just sum it all, don't you think so?

O and it also claim to be the top 7 ramen in Korea, the ramen that people want to eat most.
at least that's what it said in there.

These are the ingredients, there's basically everything what people need to make noodle.
nothing special.

Inside the cup, you will get the dried noodle, the dried vegetable and the seasoning.
similar to any other cup noodle.

After you finish the process of soaking, filter and seasoning, this is how it should look like, hot red and looks soooo delicious.
Now the taste...
My expectation of this noodle was like it's going to be sooooo spicy, I mean real spicy, the kind of taste that would make me want stop eating after one mouthful of this noodle.
But it wasn't like that, true, it is a spicy noodle, but the level of spiciness was just below my expectation. It was kind of disappointing actually, maybe because I put on expectation too high. But still, it was such a delicious noodle, it taste so good, even though I was not pleased with the spicy level of it, I was really enjoying eating this noodle.
I like it, a lot!

I don't know why many people say that this noodle was soo spicy, but whatever, at least I like this cup noodle, I would eat it all day if I could and if it not threatening my health.
Oh and by the way, I'm not a spicy freak who like and able to eat a super spicy food or anything, I'm just a normal spicy lover, I have a limit for spiciness level too.



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