I Love Free Stuff, Who Doesn't?

Everybody love free stuff, at least as far as I know. There might be people who doesn't love free stuff though, there are so many people with different set of mind in this world. In Indonesia,  when there is a sign that said "FREE SOMETHING/SOMETHING" in a store or restaurant or movie theater, guarantee that place will turn into a sea of people I think I might be exaggerating a little here.

And maybe because I'm Indonesian, I love free, half-price, discount and sale stuff. One thing that my friends know is that I love free paid apps. I personally enjoy rooting or jailbreaking my phone. Whether it's an iPhone, Android or iPod, I always plug it in my laptop and "modify" them, especially with apple devices, to me jailbreaking an apple device is a must.

I also love .apk, if you're an Android user I really hope that you know about that, but if you're not, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!! .apk is a blessing to us Android users, .apk is my money saver. I don't want to pay for monthly subscription to Spotify so that I can enjoy add free music, instead of paying IDR 50.000 monthly, I just download the spotify.apk then it's free for eternity. But don't get me wrong, there are apps that I officially pay with money you know, I have apps that I purchase in play store, I'm not always so cheap ;)

I love books. I love reading a book in English, because it just make the writing and the conversation between character seems more beautiful. And the worse fact is import books is so so expensive. So my solution is, eBook. I downloaded a free eBook which in English of course, but I also buy the book in a translated version. That way I can enjoy reading a book in English but still paying the royalti to the author. It's pretty wise to me.

I confess to you that I love a free hacked apps and book, if that makes me a bad person, then I'm guilty as charged.


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