Someone says "Move on"

Here in Indonesia, the word "move on" is mostly (or even only) being used as a term in a relationship between men and women. When you break up with your boy/girlfriend, I can guarantee 100% that someone is going to tell you to move on from him/her, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just a way you're friend comforting you.

What matter is that the word "move on" is used only in a small scale of life, here in Indonesia. While the truth is the word "move on" can cover so much more than a break up. For example, you fail in a test, you have a grudge with someone, you're in despair because someone died and so on and so on. Of course people who English is their mother tongue know about this, but not here.

The word "move on" mean to get on with your life; pick your self up and do something with your life; in term of a relationship it mean forget about him/her and you can find someone else meh. But one thing you need to make sure, you should never feel threaten by your past, by you're experiences, even if you are moving on with your life, you need to find a way to accept you're past, you're life history.

Even if you already moving on from something in your life, you should know that you can not forget about that event in your life, you failing in a semester, you hating someone, someone who died, and someone who you love back in the day. Because that's part of you, that show how you manage to be like now. And once in a while, try to look back at your past, make sure you remember what make you like now.

Oh God, this message is so mainstream, classic.

Bye now.


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