
Showing posts from November, 2016

Hartono Mall: Gramedia Expo

Dimana mana yang namanya akhir minggu itu rame, lebih lebih mall, cari parkir kalo nggak pake modal keburuntangan pasti susah dan level sabarnya harus dinaikin. Wajar aja sih ya, akhir minggu kan hampir 100% orang libur, jadi ya sudah sewajarnya semua kendaraan pada keluar kejalan, refresing kalo orang kita bilang. Hari ini ( red. Sunday) aku berdua pergi sama temenku makan siang di daerah Prawirotaman, habis makan iseng-iseng kita jalan ke Hartono Mall, disana awalnya cuma pengen beli Thai Tea sama muter muter di toko buku aja, tapi nggak ada toko buku disana (or maybe not finished yet? idk), tapi kita malah nemu Gramedia Expo. Awalnya pas liat keterangan harga mulai Rp 5000 aku udah negatif thinking kalo bukunya pasti yang nggak jelas gitu, soalnya kalo sale yang diadain didepan Gramedia Kota Baru itu jarang nemu buku yang aku suka. Tapi baru jalan 5 langkah aja (beneran 5 langkah) aku nemu buku yang aku cari dari dulu, my my, dan harganya cuma Rp 10.000, sene...

I Love Free Stuff, Who Doesn't?

Everybody love free stuff, at least as far as I know. There might be people who doesn't love free stuff though, there are so many people with different set of mind in this world. In Indonesia,  when there is a sign that said "FREE SOMETHING/SOMETHING" in a store or restaurant or movie theater, guarantee that place will turn into a sea of people I think I might be exaggerating a little here . And maybe because I'm Indonesian, I love free, half-price, discount and sale stuff. One thing that my friends know is that I love free paid apps. I personally enjoy rooting or jailbreaking my phone. Whether it's an iPhone, Android or iPod, I always plug it in my laptop and "modify" them, especially with apple devices, to me jailbreaking an apple device is a must. I also love .apk, if you're an Android user I really hope that you know about that, but if you're not, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!! .apk is a blessing to us Android users, .apk is my money sav...

Someone says "Move on"

Here in Indonesia, the word "move on" is mostly (or even only) being used as a term in a relationship between men and women. When you break up with your boy/girlfriend, I can guarantee 100% that someone is going to tell you to move on from him/her, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just a way you're friend comforting you. What matter is that the word "move on" is used only in a small scale of life, here in Indonesia. While the truth is the word "move on" can cover so much more than a break up. For example, you fail in a test, you have a grudge with someone, you're in despair because someone died and so on and so on. Of course people who English is their mother tongue know about this, but not here. The word "move on" mean to get on with your life; pick your self up and do something with your life; in term of a relationship it mean forget about him/her and you can find someone else meh . But one thing you need to make s...