a shower gel that smells bad, yuck !

Seumur hidupku belum pernah aku nemu sabun mandi yang baunya bener-bener nggak enak, mungkin satu dua kali aku pernah nemu sabun yang baunya nggak enak, tapi kalo bagak enaknya itu semacam bau bahan-bahan herbal gitu masih wajar dan bisa ditoleransi lah ya, TAPI sabun yang satu ini bener-bener bikin badan mu tu baunya nggak karuan, baunya ini tu... hftt.. there's not enough words in the dictionary to describe the smell of this product, it smells bad, really bad, it's nasty, YUCK !

And the shower gel from hell that I've been talking about is ........

            It's Biore triple action antibacterial with manggis extract

The smell of this product is unbelievable, how can someone invent this product, how can they sell it to the public, I just can not believe it, you need to try and experience using thing product to know how I fell, to know what I've been through :"( even if I only use it once, still, it was a traumatic event of my life (and now I'm just being overreacting)

Back to business, pertama kali sabun ini dibuka I wasn't suspect anything at all, tapi setelah aku, mbak ku, adekku make sabun nya, Ugh ! then the smells start hitting on your nose, dan waktu itu ada 2 orang yang mandi di kamar mandi yang sama (but at different time of course, don't be silly) and it result in baunya nggak ilang, sekitar 2 harian gitu baunya baru ilang, such a nightmare.

Kalo aku bilang sabun ini baunya kayak "cabe", baunya tu kayak kalo pas kita lagi ngeblender cabe itu lho, baunya nggak enak dihidung, tapi kalo ibuku bilang sabun ini baunya kayak cairan pencuci piring yang udah lama dipake dan gak diganti-ganti.

You see that in the picture I've showed you, sabunnya dijepit pake penjepit baju kan, itu karna kalo sabunnya cuma ditaro sembarangan dengan kemasan yang kebuka, baunya bakalan nyebar, tiap lewat deket sabunnya itu baunya langsung nyerang, so the packaging need to sealed !

And that's all I'm gonna say about that product, hope this review is somewhat useful and informative to some of you.
Thank you for reading, thank you for coming by my blog.


Unknown said…
Aku jg setujuu bangett, semalam aku prtma x pake sabun ini, dan aku g sadar baunya. Smpe aku pgi sma temen ktany kok bau cabe y? Trus aku blg ah g mngkin emng siapa? Trus kta tmnku aku yg bau cabe, jd ku cium d tnganku sndri. Dan iya bau cabe ny it nyengatt banget, kya bau biji cabe atau g cabe yg digiling

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