My Ramadhan: then and now

Gooood Morning readers,
It's the 10th day of Ramadhan, and it sadden me, because I just realize we only have 20 days left for Ramadhan this year :" 

Anyway, this morning I'm going to look and compare the differences of me and my surrounding between last year Ramadhan and this year Ramadhan, so let's get started!!

  1. This Ramadhan I gain a few more weight, simply put, I'm fatter. This nightmare happen last August, during my field work study. I was assigned in place which have a low temperature, and you guys know when you live in a low temperature area the urge to eat is soo big, well then one food lead to another and one kilo lead to another, and now here I am carrying 2 more kilos of body fat.
  2.  Last Semester I've finish all my subject, so this Ramadhan I'm free from classes. It's been almost 6 months since my last class, it felt good but at the same time it's a burden, this semester I should be writing my thesis but because I'm so flattered with all the free time I have and all the non-class activities I've been doing for the last 6 months, I abandon my thesis, the only sentence written on my thesis draft is the tittle, I only produced 15 words for the last 6 months, how sad and embarrassing it is, right?
  3. I got a new phone, or maybe phones. It may look like an exiting news for me, but it has a heart breaking story behind it. For, the full story I'll tell you latter on. I'm planning on to write about my phones history, the happy and sad story about my phone life's. Wait for it.
  4.  I't been my dream to be able to create my own clothes from scratch. So today I'm starting to learn how to sew. I study by my self with the help from youtube videos. My first project is a simple tote bag, I'll share it when I finish the project.
  5. And the happiest news that I can share with you guys is, I have a nephew, yay!! He was born last year on October 20th and He's name is Gazhie. This Ramadhan my house felt really different with the presence of my new nephew, he brings happiness to my family, thank you for all the blessing My Dear God, Allah s.w.t
  6. This is the saddest thing that happen to me last year, My Bunny is dead. It really broke my heart. And I'm somewhat responsible for her death. (I don't know what else should I write in this part) I cry my heart out when I saw her laying in her favorite spot of the house, her remaining was already stiff when I came to see her. I wrap her around with my clothe, and I bury her along with it. After she died, I cry whenever I saw her picture or video (I looked like a crazy person back then), I couldn't let go of her death. My grieving last for about 2 months. And now I've moved on, I still fell sad whenever I saw her picture of video, but now I'm able to control my emotion. I'm accepting that her death is the best solution for me and for her. Rest in Peace my sweet little bunny.
That's pretty much a few things that I can share with you guys, of course there's some other thing that happen for the past year, it's going to be a novel if I tell you guys all about it.
So, that's it for today and thank you all.
See you next post ;D


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