it's ami, without 'k'

Hei you, its really been a while since I put my fingers on keyboard to write a regular boring post, that's right, a "boring post" from a regular student in her last year as a university student, who still don't know what to write for her thesis, sad, so sad, and yet still manage to able to write some boring post in this blog.

Anyway, just so you know, my name is Ami, not Amik.
Most of you should get what I mean, kadang orang salah nulis namaku, it's true that people call me ami' -red:koma atas dibaca seperti 'ain-. tapi kalo ditulis ya gak perlu pake 'k' juga, kan jadi aneh.
dibeberapa kontak hp temenku namaku ditulis 'amik', and few of my friend text me like "amiiikkk kamu hari ini selo nggaak?" I was like, "what the hell? amik? -_-" (of course I didn't text her back like that).
Ami' and Amik when you pronounce it, both of them sound different, just try and read it, you'll know.

I got nothing else to talk about, so it mean good-bye for now.
Bye. Talk to you later.


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