Let's Be Someone Else

Salam :)
How are you guys? I'm doing pretty good, hope you guys do too.

Many people always encourage you to become yourself not someone else, well I don't totally agree with that. Why? I'll tell you later on.

'Just Be Yourself' is a really good statement, it looks so easy to do it, but it actually really hard. The reason why people encourage other people to just be them selves is because they don't want other people to like them not for who they really are, but for some character that they create. (My explaination is a mess, you know the point right?)
Oh, and I have a quote about it that I really like, it said, "Just be yourself, because life's too short to be someone else ", kind of true right?
When I was a kid, I wonder 'how can you be someone else?' But now I know, I really know :)

In my opinion, you don't have to be yourself all the time, because maybe there is some of your attitude/habbit that is not suitable for some situation or it's bad and not suitable for a muslim to act that way.
And according to me (hehe), being a muslim is about becoming someone else in order to please Allah s.w.t (because that is our life goal), if we follow our human nature attitude (e.g greed, unsatisfied, jealous, etc), we will be a mess, some uncontrollable human being, and it doesn't accepted in Islam.
I myself is still trying to become someone else so that I can become a proper muslim, a good muslim.
So what about you guys? Wanna try to become someone else? It should be interesting :)
Thank you all and Thank You Allah
Lots Of Love


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