Hello! Again

Salam :)
It's been a year, and hello to you my friends :)
I'm guessing that you already read my previous post.
I know I know I know, it is sooo embarrassing to me, but if you haven't read it, then I SUGGEST YOU NOT TO. Hahahah
Anyway, to override the embarrassment, I decide to keep that embarrassement, because I want to see how much I grow from time to time.

So, Let me re-introduce my self.
You can call me Ami, Currently I'm still trying to get my undergraduate degree, I'm studying Accounting in Indonesia Islamic University (UII). And I'm in International Program, so this blog is kinf of a way for me to practice my english.
I was born and raised in Klaten until elementary, my junior school is in Surakarta (or Sukoharjo, or Solo, not really sure), then I move to Yogyakarta to continue my senior high school, and I've been living in Yogyakarta since then until now, approximately 5 years.
I love music, clothes, shoes, bags, furniture, movies, internet, cats, free time, and holidaysss.
I'm not gonna mention about what I don't like, because I'm trying to see the positive side of everything and to be grateful for all that given to me, sent to me, experience by me, and exist in this world.

That's it.

Thank you all and Thank You Allah.
Lots Of Love


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