
Showing posts from 2014

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

Assalamu'alaikum Haii.. apa kabar?? Udah lama gak nulis disini, nggak papa lah ya blognya jarang banget update, yang baca juga cuma 2 tipe orang, pertama si penulis sendiri, kedua orang yang nggak sengaja lewat blog ini. Hahaha Alhamdulillah banget masih dikasih kesempatan buat ketemu bulan suci Ramadhan dan dikasih kesehatan buat ngejalanin puasa di bulan suci ini. Hari ini udah masuk hari ke-9 di bulan Ramadhan, nggak kerasa 3 minggu lagi bulan Ramadhan udah selesai :'( Aku mau cerita, kalian pernah nggak punya temen/sodara kalian yang jarak antara kenal sama nikah itu cuma 1,5 bulan? Kalo aku baru kali ini bener2 ngeliat dengan mata kepalaku sendiri (bukan denger dari cerita2 loh ya). Jadi sepupu ku kan baru balik dari Yaman, nah trus kan dia kan minta di kenalin sama cewek gitu, terus temen2nya ngenalin beberapa cewek akhirnya cewek ke-4 lah yang nyantol di hatinya ;D Habis itu gini, hari jum'at di ketemu sama ceweknya itu ( masing2 ditemenin orang, jadi nggak b...

Pulang dari hutan #1

Hai Barusan tadi jam 8.30 nyampe Jogja, rasanya itu bahagia banget bisa balik ke kota lagi, bisa tidur dikasur terempuk, bisa minum minuman terbersih, dan bisa buang hajat di WC ternyaman. Ceritanya di lanjut besok lagi aja, sekarang mau temu kangen dulu sama kasur terempuk.

Outbond anti mainstream ala IP UII

Hey Ho! Besok tanggal 4 sampe 8 Mei ini aku bakal terisolasi di hutan, tepatnya di Gunung Wilis dan sekitar, di Ponorogo, nama bekennya OMT 3. Kayak beginih kerjaan nya kampusku buat ngerjain mahasiswanya, haha enggak lah, becanda, kalo aku sama acara beginian seneng, soalnya belum pernah ngalamin aktifitas kayak begitu, jadi I'm pretty much happy :) Sebelum OMT 3 tu ada OMT 1 sama 2. OMT 1 itu kalo di ringkesin kayak outbond + kurang lebih 4 jam tracking di daerah Gunung Lawu (kalo gak salah), Cemoro Sewu, deket Sarangan (ada yang tau?). Acaranya cuma 2 malem 3 hari (kalo gak salah inget). OMT 1 itu diadain buat mahasiswa baru yang masih cupu, jadi kurang lebih 4 bulan setelah jadi mahasiswa kita disuruh pergi kehutan buat ikut outbond. Nah kalo OMT 2, kita itu jadi juru masak buat pesertanya OMT 1. (Sepertinya cuma itu penjelasannya -_-). Oh iya, kita tidur di tenda beralaskan terpal. Nah kalo OMT 3 itu puncaknya. Di OMT 3 kita 5 hari hidup dihutan, 5 hari masak makanan send...

Let's Be Someone Else

Salam :) How are you guys? I'm doing pretty good, hope you guys do too. Many people always encourage you to become yourself not someone else, well I don't totally agree with that. Why? I'll tell you later on. 'Just Be Yourself' is a really good statement, it looks so easy to do it, but it actually really hard. The reason why people encourage other people to just be them selves is because they don't want other people to like them not for who they really are, but for some character that they create. (My explaination is a mess, you know the point right?) Oh, and I have a quote about it that I really like, it said, "Just be yourself, because life's too short to be someone else ", kind of true right? When I was a kid, I wonder 'how can you be someone else? ' But now I know, I really know :) In my opinion, you don't have to be yourself all the time, because maybe there is some of your attitude/habbit that is not suitable for ...

I Was Once a Writer

Salaam :) Believe it or not, I was a writer in my campus magazine called IP News, although I didn't make many article, but I still part of the team :) The sad news is, after I join IP News, one year later it was discontinued, because there is no successor for this campus magazine :( Aaanyway, I was asked to review a box office movie, The Avengers. I was nervous and excited, because I never write any article before, I always want to write in a blog or something like that, but I never really make my own article. So, here is my very first published article :)) The Avengers : The Dream Team Marvel successfully hit the crowd, again. After releasing Captain America : The First Avenger in 2011, Marvel planing to provide another hero movie to their fans. In summer this year, Marvel release The Avengers, in this movie we have a group of superheroes consist of Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor and Hawkeye. Those are not a strange character to us, since al...

Hello! Again

Salam :) It's been a year, and hello to you my friends :) I'm guessing that you already read my previous post. I know I know I know, it is sooo embarrassing to me, but if you haven't read it, then I SUGGEST YOU NOT TO. Hahahah Anyway, to override the embarrassment, I decide to keep that embarrassement, because I want to see how much I grow from time to time. So, Let me re-introduce my self. You can call me Ami, Currently I'm still trying to get my undergraduate degree, I'm studying Accounting in Indonesia Islamic University (UII). And I'm in International Program, so this blog is kinf of a way for me to practice my english. I was born and raised in Klaten until elementary, my junior school is in Surakarta (or Sukoharjo, or Solo, not really sure), then I move to Yogyakarta to continue my senior high school, and I've been living in Yogyakarta since then until now, approximately 5 years. I love music, clothes, shoes, bags, furniture, movies, internet,...